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Chart Result Viewer Guide


The Chart Result Viewer is used to view existing chart results.

Opening the Tool

You can access the Chart Result Viewer in several ways. Tools can be opened from the signOn page, the home page, and from various tools using the hamburger    menu.

From the Home tool.


Alternatively you can open the tool from the hamburger    menu on each tool.


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Pressing the control key during the menu click opens the tool in another tab.


The main portions of the toolbar and layout of the window areas are depicted below.


The toolbar sections are

  • Catalog interactions and
  • Output options.

Catalog Options

The searching for text does span pages in the forward direction.

Icon Description
  Save the chart. This is only really relevant if you change the chart’s properties.
  Edit the chart properties. This can be used to edit the chart’s free form description.

Output Options

The searching for text does span pages in the forward direction.

Icon Description
  Print the chart.
  Export the chart content. The default format has the labels and then an array containing each data series. Using control-click formats the data as a list of rows with each row containing a label and a value from each data series.


The print options dialog is shown below.


Exporting Content

The export dialog is shown below.


Below is sample output using the default options.

"labels": [
"dataSeries": [
"name": "Ages",
"data": [

Below is sample output using the control-click interaction.

"name": "mouser",
"ages": 4
"name": "meower",
"ages": 6
"name": "kitty",
"ages": 6
"name": "kittycat",
"ages": 6

Data Tab

The data tab shows the underlying data being shown in the chart. Below is a sample example.